The African Union Sport Council has launched a new handbook aimed at safeguarding children and vulnerable adults participating in sport in Africa. The ‘Safeguarding in Sport and Sport for Development (S4D) Contexts in Africa: A Practitioner’s Guide from Policy to Action’ was developed with the support of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) as part of their Regional Project Sport for Development in Africa (S4DA) commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).
‘Safeguarding in Sport and Sport for Development (S4D) Contexts in Africa: A Practitioner’s Guide from Policy to Action’ is a comprehensive handbook that gives a step-by-step approach on how to implement safeguarding measures in sport. Although written and developed for the African context, this handbook should be of interest to sports organisations and practitioners around the world.
The resource looks at how sports organisations can implement policies and procedures to protect children and vulnerable adults from non-accidental harm. The guide also provides best practices in safeguarding for facilitators including coaches, teachers and peer leaders for engaging participants and the wider community.
Dr Decius Chipande, Coordinator (Head) of the African Union Sport Council welcomed the launch of the resource stating “This new practitioner’s guide made possible with the support of the GIZ will make a major contribution to the understanding and implementation of safeguarding in sport in Africa. Sport should be safe, inclusive, and enjoyable for all participants and everyone that works in sport has a duty to ensure all who participate can do so safely. This new resource will contribute to Agenda 2063: The Africa We Want”.
Also, athletes like Lydia Hatzenberg, Instructor at the Namibian Football Association emphasize on the importance of safeguarding in their daily work: "Safeguarding is a vital process to protect children and adults from harm, abuse and neglect. The well-being of the children and adults is important when handling interactions at schools, the workplace and within their communities. The implementation of safeguarding policies is crucial to equip children and adults involved with the necessary tools to identify, analyse and report harmful or risky behaviour within their surroundings. Every person regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, religion or socio-economic status should be able to live a safe life free from harm, abuse or prejudice."

The ‘Safeguarding in Sport and Sport for Development (S4D) Contexts in Africa: A Practitioners Guide from Policy to Action’ is available in English and French and can be downloaded free of charge from the Resource Toolkit website for sport for development.