The Board of Trustees and leadership team of Safe Sport International have adopted a new Vision, Mission, and Pillars to guide SSI through 2023 and beyond. Our vision of everyone, everywhere safe in sport requires a strong focus on an approach which is guided by athlete voices, informed by research, and built on inclusive and collaborative working.
Over the past 6 months, the Board of Trustees, Advisors, Committee Chairs, and the COO of Safe Sport International have engaged in a thorough review of the current developments, trends, and opportunities for SSI to affect change as well as reviewing the way in which it provides its services as a thought leader in this work. Anne Tiivas OBE, Chair of SSI welcomed the updated vision and mission saying:
"Safeguarding in sport has never had a higher profile than it does today, thanks to the tireless efforts of pioneers in this work, not least the athletes and their allies who demand change to their sport systems around the world. Everyone has the right to enjoy their role in sport in a safe and inclusive environment, free from harm. At SSI, we are all committed to bringing together a multi-disciplinary network to improve the capacity of sport to help create the best possible environments for all sport stakeholders."
The updated mission and pillars reflect our aspirations to harness the experience and expertise within SSI and make a difference by driving international standards for safeguarding in sport and enhancing the capacity of organisations and communities across the world to take action and make sport safer for everyone.